Career Development Core

The Career Development Core aims to use a distance-learning approach to provide a mentoring program and a modular curriculum providing foundational knowledge in aging, disparities and cancer.

  1. Mentorship Curriculum: I-REACH will use the CIMER curriculum, an evidence-based mentorship program, including modules on retaining minorities in academic careers and addressing structural barriers and culturally aware mentoring. The curriculum includes things like addressing equity and inclusion, discussing mentoring philosophy and planning, enhancing work-life integration, promoting professional development and how to develop mentorship contracts. This training will be required for all Scholars and mentors and will be provided to all I-REACH faculty. 
  2. Modular Curriculum: This curriculum will integrate aging, disparities and cancer in a multi-level framework, highlighting the opportunities and awareness for research at the crossroads of aging, disparities and cancer. 

Dr. Lucile Adams-Campbell

Cancer Health Disparities, Cancer Prevention and Control, Epidemiology, Global Oncology. Dr. Lucile Adams-Campbell’s research focuses on minority aging over the life course and how aging and cancer interact to affect cancer disparities and the health of older minority cancer survivors.

Dr. Chiranjeev Dash

Cancer Biomarkers, Cancer Disparities, Epidemiology, Training. Dr. Dash’s research primarily focuses on molecular epidemiology and cancer prevention and control in minorities and underserved populations.

Dr. Peter Lichtenberg

Geriatrics, Gerontology, Psychology, Health Disparities. Dr. Lichtenberg is a Geriatric Neuropsychologist and the president of the Gerontological Society of America. His research focuses on socio-behavioral aspects of aging, and he uses his expertise to study race disparities in aging and disease.

Dr. Jeanne Mandelblatt

Cancer and Aging, Geriatrics, Survivorship, Policy, Cancer Disparities. Dr. Mandelblatt’s research focuses on heterogeneity in life course aging and the effects of cancer and its treatments on clinically important survivorship outcomes, including functional, cognitive, and physical aging and development of frailty.

Dr. Jamie Mitchell

Health Disparities, Healthcare Communication, Multimorbidity. Dr. Mitchell’s researches health behaviors and healthcare communication strategies to optimize well-being and longevity for older African Americans, with an emphasis on older African American men.

Dr. Jason Umans

Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Pharmacology, Environmental Toxicology, Health Disparities, Nephrology, Pathophysiology. Dr. Uman’s research spans several disciplines, including translational physiology and pharmacology, women’s health, chronic diseases in aging, and community-engaged studies on health disparities and leads mentorship training.